Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Night On The Town

Dolly and Minerva are feeling rather unstrung by a day of house-hunting in New York City. Modern women have such a burden to organize their own lives. Returning to their hotel, they find that Willard has left a message at the desk. He proposes a night on the town to unwind and will pick them up at 8. 

At the appointed hour, Willard arrived. The girls were looking quite lovely in their new dresses. Iffy was dressed for bed and complaining about having to stay alone with an unknown woman, supplied by the hotel. The doorbell rang, and in came a comfortably-built lady with a very familiar face. Dolly, Minerva, and Iffy were struck speechless for a moment. It was their old parlormaid Lizzie.

"Lizzie!", cried Iffy. "It's our Lizzie from home!"  
"Whatever are you doing here?" exclaimed Dolly. 
Lizzie blushed as she always did. "Your mother is worried that you need help, so here I am."
Dolly and Minerva sighed a long sigh of relief.

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